In a time where many are making resolutions for the new year, it’s only fair that your chimney gets a checklist of things to improve, too. But what sort of maintenance can ensure your fireplace and chimney will get back to it’s peak performance? No worries. The experts at Cummins Restorations have put together a list of resolutions for you!
Watching For Creosote Build-Up
If you own a wood-burning fireplace, then creosote build-up is an issue you’ll have to tackle from time to time. Creosote forms as fires are burned in your fireplace, and it can be sticky, tar-like, or hard and glossy. Yet, no matter its color or texture, one thing is certain – it’s very flammable, and if you have too much, your risk of experiencing a chimney fire will increase. This year, adopt practices that reduce accumulation such as burning hotter fires, using only seasoned wood, and encouraging good airflow. On top of all that, you should be scheduling regular chimney sweeps to remove existing build-up!
Repair Leaks And Cracks ASAP
We’re no strangers to rain, snow, and sleet here at Cummins Restorations. The more moisture exposure your chimney experiences, the more your system will break down and crumble. Inviting water leaks, gas leaks, smoke, and flames into your home. The resolution? Contact us today to help with brick repair, tuckpointing, or sealing your chimney. Need flashings, crowns, or other chimney accessories installed? We can help with that too!
Keep Scheduling Those Annual Inspections!
No matter who you talk to in the chimney industry, one thing all reputable professionals recommend is your annual inspection. Investing in these ensures your system stays running safer and more efficiently. So all you have to do is light the fire and enjoy! And remember – just because no problems were present in the last couple of inspections doesn’t mean you’re good to go and can skip a year.
For more than two decades the masons at Cummins Restoration have been providing the highest quality craftsmanship and service to our clients. If you need masonry assistance for your chimney, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (416) 992-7965 or cumminsrestoration@rogers.com.