Your chimney goes through a lot! Winter storms, daily use during the Winter season, and don’t forget the general degradation that comes with age. Although your chimney may appear to be functioning perfectly, this daily wear and tear still takes its toll. Luckily, there are ways to spot this type of chimney damage before it becomes a problem.
White Stains Along The Brick
While you may be thinking those white stains are a result of sun bleaching, they’re actually a sign of excessive moisture in the masonry. This staining is known as efflorescence, and if you spot it, don’t hesitate to get a chimney inspection. Moisture quickly leads to mold and deterioration in your chimney; which leads to other, more dangerous problems.
Cracked or Deteriorated Mortar Joints
Even when maintained perfectly, mortar joints will deteriorate over time from weather and wear. But when you do see cracking or deterioration, have it repaired immediately. Damaged mortar joints greatly increase the amount of moisture that leaks into your chimney. During the colder months, this moisture can freeze, expand and cause even further damage, such as chimney collapse.
Shaling Flue Tiles
Inside your chimney is a flue liner that protects the brick and your home from heat, while helping to direct the flow of air up and out of your home. A damaged flue liner is no joke. If you start to see thin slices of the tile from your liner in your firebox, you have a shaling problem. Contact a chimney sweep for an inspection and repair recommendations right away.
Wallpaper Or Paint Damage Near Your Chimney
Have you ever noticed wallpaper or paint peeling near your chimney?. The brick or mortar on the interior could have cracked, or your flue liner may be damaged. If you can’t remember the last time you had your chimney liner inspected, it’s likely at risk. So, if you notice peeling wallpaper or paint, or paint that appears to bubble near your chimney, schedule a chimney inspection as soon as possible!
Unfortunately, in some cases, a chimney needs to be replaced entirely. While most homeowners spot problems before they get this bad, it can happen. The best way to avoid needing your chimney replaced is to continue scheduling bi-annual chimney inspections and repairing any issues as they appear. Call Cummins Restorations at (416) 992-7965 for brick repair in Toronto today!