Restore Your Crumbling Chimney 2024

professional -chimney-restoration

Chimneys are susceptible to wear and tear over time due to various factors such as weathering, aging, and inadequate maintenance. Addressing chimney damage promptly is crucial to prevent safety hazards like leaks and fire risks. This guide will delve into the technical aspects of professional chimney restoration services, encompassing damage assessment, masonry restoration techniques, sealing, […]

Brick by Brick: The Value of Expert Chimney Care


Taking care of your chimney is really important for keeping your home safe and in good shape. If you live in Toronto, it’s a good idea to know how to take care of your chimney so it lasts a long time and keeps your home safe. Cleaning your chimney regularly, professional chimney care services, checking […]

3 Steps to Repair a Chimney

Chimney Repair

Winter is nearly upon us, which makes ensuring  your chimney is in proper order should be top on your to do list! If you find your chimney is in need of repair, there are several steps you can take to remedy the situation. Left unchecked, these repairs can accumulate and result in disaster for roof […]

Your Guide to Chimney Inspection


With winter just around the corner, you need a chimney inspection. Why? Prevent fire hazards and energy loss this winter. Your chimney inspector will tell you if you need masonry chimney repair, sweeping, or a new chimney cap. In general, there are three levels of chimney inspections, each more involved than the last. Basic Chimney […]