Reasons To Have A Professional Chimney Inspection

Chimney Sweep

In life, some of the simplest things can end up being the most satisfying. Like sitting in front of a roaring fire on a chilly evening. But fires, fumes, and water damage are the exact opposite of satisfactory. Ensuring your fireplace and chimney are not only well maintained, but also undergo routine inspections, is paramount […]

How to Maintain Your Chimney

How To Maintain Your Chimney

It’s undeniable that a well used fireplace takes care of you, so in return you must take care of it. Damper, chimney, and all! 

3 Steps to Repair a Chimney

Chimney Repair

Winter is nearly upon us, which makes ensuring  your chimney is in proper order should be top on your to do list! If you find your chimney is in need of repair, there are several steps you can take to remedy the situation. Left unchecked, these repairs can accumulate and result in disaster for roof […]

What Is Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing…have you heard of it? If not, you may be wondering what it is and whether or not your brick structure may need it.

Top 6 Tuckpoint Facts To Know

Top Tuckpointing Facts

Tuckpointing: what is it and how do I know if I need it? You probably have a lot of questions when it comes to tuckpointing and how it affects your brick structure. Don’t worry! The professionals at Cummins Restorations are here to give you the 411 on everything you need to know about this mortar […]

4 Most Common Chimney Repairs Needed in Your Home


As the summer draws to an end homeowners need to consider chimney repair. Why? You want to feel confident when you use your fireplace and chimney this winter. Avoid wasting money on energy costs and save yourself the problem of a fire hazard by taking care of issues like spalling brick repair, chimney sweeping, and […]

Homeowner Guide: How Do You Know if You Need Tuckpointing?


Does your home need professional tuckpointing? Tuckpointing repairs the brick’s damaged mortar joints. Professional masonry restoration contractors will put fresh new mortar after removing any old failing mortar. The process can be extensive. Experienced professionals like our masonry experts at Cummins Restoration take the time and attention to detail needed to maintain the structural integrity […]

Does My Chimney Need Tuckpointing? 5 Signs


Does your chimney need professional repair? You can’t always tell just by looking. Sometimes the chimney has serious problems like damaged mortar joints or a rusted firebox. A damaged chimney can lead to property damage or fire. Letting issues go for a long time can result in structural damage requiring a full replacement. Tuckpointing brick […]