How To Waterproof A Chimney

Waterproofing your chimney is an easy, affordable way to prolong the integrity of your chimney and avoid costly, dangerous damage from water leaks.
What Is Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing…have you heard of it? If not, you may be wondering what it is and whether or not your brick structure may need it.
How do you fix a crumbling concrete basement floor?

Is your basement floor cracking? Is it time for professional masonry repair? What works — masonry caulk, professional sealing, or do you have a more serious problem on your hands? Most of the time basement floor cracks don’t affect structural integrity. However, sometimes a floor crack means that there is moisture coming in, the home […]
3 Dangerous Signs of Structural Damage
Major structural issues with your home can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Fortunately, quality masonry techniques and early detection can help save you thousands of dollars and the structural integrity of your home. Look for these key issues in your home: 1. Cracks No, not every crack means that you have serious structural damage. However, […]
5 Essential Tips: Is it Foundation Problems or House Settling?
Protect your home investment from structural damage. Do you know the difference between advanced foundation problems and house settling? Do you need vertical foundation crack repair or just a paint job? Find out with our professional tips. Inspect Your Home Your home will naturally settle over time. Chances are you won’t need vertical foundation crack […]
What are signs of structural damage to a house?

Your home is a sanctuary and an investment. But when you see cracks in the foundation – when to worry about calling a repairman? Your foundation provides your home’s overall structural integrity. When concrete cracks, long-term damage can cause expensive problems. Learn the difference between settling and serious foundation issues. Your Home’s Foundation Over time […]
How Long Should a Brick Chimney Last?
The chimney plays an important aesthetic and functional role in your home. Providing warmth and comfort, the chimney also adds home value and provides a sense of luxurious charm. However, regular maintenance and repair are necessary to help your chimney last for generations. Failure to maintain the structure and masonry of your chimney can result […]
Can You Replace Brick on a House?
Brick has a classic beautiful aesthetic, but over time deterioration and structural damage can occur. Professional masonry repair can address almost any cosmetic or structural issue. What if the brick on a home has deteriorated beyond repair or there is extreme damage to the wall? Can you replace or entire restore a brick wall? And […]
5 Ways to Keep Your Masonry Contractors Honest
Masonry contractors in Toronto are no different than any other contractors. Some are honest, hardworking professionals dedicated to getting the job done right and others are dedicated to padding the bill, cutting corners and making excuses. While everyone hopes they get the first kind there’s no absolute way to tell if you might actually be […]
4 Masonry Projects to Invest in in 2017
If you want to protect your investment and ensure that your home remains in excellent condition, you may wish to consider spending a little money on one of the masonry projects that we discuss in this article. If you are not sure which one would be most suitable for your property or whether any of […]