How To Prepare Your Chimney For Winter
Ensure your chimney is prepared for those cozy evenings beside the fire in the cold months of winter! Winterizing your home includes checking the roof,

Repair Versus Replace Your Chimney?
In this post, we’ll provide you with some valuable information on when you should repair versus replace your chimney.

Fall Chimney Maintenance Tips
Before lighting the first fire of the season, you’ll want to take care of some Fall chimney maintenance. Read these tips to get started!

How Often Does A Chimney Need Maintenance?
It’s that time of year again! Soon the leaves will begin to change color and the temperature will begin to get cooler. Evenings will once

Can Crumbling Brick be Replaced on a Chimney?
Crumbling bricks? Cummins Restorations is here to help! In this article we will take a closer look at what causes bricks to crumble, if and

How Long Can A Chimney Last?
Your chimney plays an important role in your home. Not only does it provide functional warmth and comfort. But it also enhances the value of