What a Crack in the Basement Floor Really Means
Does your basement have unseemly cracks? Many homes have nonstructural settlement cracks. These cracks often result when the concrete shrinks over time. Stress caused by

How to Repair Chimney Cracks
Your chimney and fireplace provide your home with warmth and much-needed comfort. Whether enjoying the family around the cozy fire during the winter or simply

Does My Chimney Need Tuckpointing? 5 Signs
Does your chimney need professional repair? You can’t always tell just by looking. Sometimes the chimney has serious problems like damaged mortar joints or a

How Much Does it Cost to Fix a Fireplace?
Over time your chimney will require regular maintenance and repair to prevent long-term issues. Most residential chimney repair results from simple cracks. Moisture leaks into

6 Ways to Repair Damaged Brick
Do you need to repair your home’s masonry? How can you tell if you need cracked brick repair? What signs should you be looking for?

5 Different Types of Chimneys
Your chimney keeps your family warm and comfortable throughout the winter months. The house chimney also adds aesthetic beauty and home value to your home.